Art + Photography

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Send us one high-resolution image or a link to your portfolio. No multiple submissions. Please let us respond to your first submission before submitting again. Materials may have been previously published online.
We want everyday & unusual art. Art steeped in memory & awareness. Art that's subtle. Art that's loud & kinda punk. That stays out past its curfew & lives a double life. We want art that eats donuts & watches cartoons on Saturday mornings. Art that lives next door. Art whose parents are immigrants. Art that wants forgiveness. Art that's unapologetic. Art that's serious. That's cheeky. That reads the tabloids and paints its nails. Sings Johnny Cash in the shower. Is lowbrow. Pop-surreal. Hyperreal. Abstract. Art that's been hunting with its pappy and is skinning its first squirrel. Art that punched the mean kid back. Art that reminds us of our humanity.
Payment for cover art is $75 USD, payable via PayPal. 

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